The theatre has 4 designated spaces for wheelchair or motorised scooter users. These spaces should be pre-booked as the theatre cannot guarantee spaces upon arrival. Users of the designated spaces should be accompanied by a carer whose seat will be adjacent to the designated space. Only one ticket will need to be purchased for the designated space and carer’s seat.
Wheelchair User spaces are located at the ends of rows G and row L the space is flexible and can accommodate wheelchairs and mobility scooters up to a maximum size of 850mm wide x 1250 deep.
Patrons who do not book one of the designated spaces and are able to make their own way to their seats unaided can enter the auditorium either via the foyer or one of the side exits whilst leaving the wheelchair / motorised scooter in the foyer.
In addition, there are 7 car parking spaces situated directly outside the theatre foyer for the use of our wheelchair or disabled patrons. Car park spaces must be pre-booked to avoid disappointment upon arrival. Mini buses by prior appointment only.
For those patrons using walking aids such as sticks or crutches, access to the auditorium is permissible and once seated the walking aid must be stowed safely under the seat.
For the safety of the individual and those in the nearby vicinity, patrons using Zimmer or walking frames will not be allowed to take these aids into the auditorium. The aids must remain in the foyer prior to the patron making their way, unaided, to their seats. Where necessary appropriate assistance will be provided by the theatre Stewards to enable access to the patrons seat.
In the event of evacuation all patrons are to leave the theatre via the designated fire exits and will not be allowed to retrieve their wheelchair / motorised scooter / walking aid from the foyer.
If patrons are unable to meet the above conditions of entry then this will result in a ticket refund.
Hearing Loop
There is a hearing loop installed in theatre stalls from Row L to W and all seating in the balcony.
A hearing loop (also known as an induction loop) is an assistive listening technology that works in conjunction with a hearing device or cochlear implant to tailor the sounds to each individual’s hearing loss. This cuts out all confusing background noise to allow clear, focused sound.
Hearing aids need to be switched to the ‘T’ setting to convert the magnetic signal from the loop back into sound.
The ‘T’ stands for ‘telecoil’. Most hearing aids have one but not all.
Note: For technical reasons shows such as high-volume musical shows the loop may not be turned on.
Guide, hearing or other working dogs are welcome. Please notify Box Office at time of booking.
Please contact the Box Office on 01373 462795 for further information on the above and for advice on seat selection.
Essential Companion Scheme
Frome Memorial Theatre is committed to making your theatre visit an accessible and enjoyable experience.
We would like everyone to enjoy the services that we offer and in order to further this commitment, we have adopted the Essential Companion Scheme.
This scheme is offered to those who need somebody to be present in order to assist them to readily access the theatre and its services through the means of mobility or guidance.
For further information plus an application please click here or contact our Box Office.